Case Study

Discovering Cape Agulhas Municipality's Innovative Approach to Groundwater Management

Nestled in the southern tip of the Western Cape, the Cape Agulhas Municipality (CAM) spans an impressive 3,467 square kilometers, encompassing a rich tapestry of towns and settlements. With a heavy reliance on groundwater, especially during peak tourist seasons, Matter's solutions have enabled them to move beyond using outdated manual and labour intensive systems and improve operational efficiency and water network visibility.

The Challenge

The Need for Efficient Groundwater Management

CAM's previous approach of manually monitoring of its vast water system was highly time consuming, operationally inefficient and costly - especially during peak seasons. The municipality grappled with the daunting task of ensuring adequate water supply, making the need for a sustainable and efficient solution paramount.

The Solution

Embracing the Smart City 2.0 Vision

CAM's vision of transitioning to a "Smart City 2.0" was born out of necessity. This transformation was initially executed in two pivotal phases:

Phase 1:

Matter deployed a bespoke IOT network across all 3,467 square kms of the municipality.

Phase 2:

The existing water infrastructure (e.g. damns, reservoirs, boreholes, pumps, consumers) underwent a digital transformation, enabling real-time data access and control.

Key Benefits

Consistent Performance

Real-time monitoring revolutionised CAM's oversight of their water resources, offering a previously unattainable holistic view.

Key Benefits

Reduction in Operating Expenditure

The financial benefits were profound. With significant savings in manual monitoring, CAM projects an impressive ROI of 32% over three years, potentially rising to 103% over five.

Key Benefits

Improving Sustainability

The environment too reaped the benefits. With an 83% reduction in manual reading trips, carbon emissions saw a drastic drop.

Key Benefits

Operational Efficiency

The new system's prowess shone through in its efficient management of resources, proactive identification of infrastructure issues, and reduced energy consumption.


ROI over 3 years


ROI over 5 years


Reduction in carbon emissions

The Road to Innovation is Paved with Challenges

Every transformative journey faces hurdles. For CAM, defining the problem was crucial. Garnering political and management support was a linchpin for success, as was fostering inter-departmental collaborations. Procurement posed its own set of challenges, underscoring the importance of meticulous planning.

The Dawn of A New Era in Water Management

CAM's journey from manual to smart monitoring is a testament to embracing innovation and forward-thinking. With plans to expand this system further, the future looks promising, not just for CAM but for any infrastructure operator inspired by this success story.

"The Smart City 2.0 initiative has not just changed how we manage water, but how we envision our future."

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